Thanks for your support!


We need your kind donations.

Every dollar donated directly supports programmes and services at Hōhepa Wellington.

Your generosity makes a difference!

Internet Banking

Please include your name so we know that the gift is from you.

Account Name: WELLINGTON HSL Operating Reserves

Account Number: 03-0502-0762865-001

Tax Credits

When you make a donation of $5 or more, you can claim up to a third of the amount back from Inland Revenue, more information here. Donations of $5 or more will be receipted. If you donate by internet banking, please let us know your contact details so that we can send you out your receipt.

If you wish your donation to be directed to a specific programme or project, please let us know and we would love to work with you to make this happen.

For more information or to discuss your donation options, please call Shelley Elliott, our Capability & Relationship Manager on 027 251 5422.

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